Once a week, a direct train to MOSCOW leaves the Rogoredo train station

Image source: © the blog by Mr. Paolo Maggioni
Naviga su Milano Città Stato senza pubblicità

It’s 4.37 in the morning on a Saturday. A direct train, bound to Moscow, is leaving the Rogoredo train station in Milano.

The train is actually coming from Nice, France, and is going to get to Moscow after more than 3.000 kilometres.

Concerning its leg of the journey in Italy, besides the Rogoredo station in Milan, this train stops in Bordighera, in San Remo, in the Piazza Principe station in Genoa, in the Porta Nuova station in Verona and in Bolzano.

This train takes 24 hours to get to the border between Poland and Belarus. After a journey lasting 40 hours, the train stops on Track 1 of the Belorusskaya station in Moscow.

For an engaging chronicle of a journey from Milan to Moscow, please see: “Milano – Mosca in treno” by Paolo Maggioni.

I Libri di Milano Città Stato a casa tua: scopri come fare


Translated by Antonio Enrico Buonocore



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Antonio Enrico Buonocore
Traduttore di lingua inglese ed esperto di fondi europei, crede fermamente che la cultura salverà il mondo. Una parola alla volta, se necessario.