The Ten Best STREET MARKETS in Milan: what you’ll find there, and when to visit them

street markets
Naviga su Milano Città Stato senza pubblicità

The Street Markets of Milan add character to the neighborhoods that host them. Over time, each one has specialized in something different, separating them one from the other. Some call it ‘Tourism of Street Markets’ in the search for quality at every cost, provided the prices are reasonable.

Yet Milan boasts more than street markets. Here, then, are the best ten:



 # 1. The Market of via Fauché


I Libri di Milano Città Stato a casa tua: scopri come fare

The most popular and recommended of all markets, especially for the ladies. Situated in the Bullona Quarter, between via Cenesio and corso Sempione, it offers products of truly high quality. The most passionate and expert of shoppers point out a stand of designer fabrics in every color under the sun. 

Hours: Tuesdays and Saturdays, from 7.30 to 14.00 (Saturdays until 18.00).



# 2. The Market of via San Marco


Worth the trip if only for it position close to the artistic Brera area; a magical stroll in the shadows of the famed Tumbun Restaurant of San Marco, Milan’s unique, evocative haunt in every sense of the word.

The Market is frequently visited by ladies for its numerous shoe stalls.

Hours: Mondays and Thursdays, from 7.30 to 14.00.



# 3. The Market of via Papiniano


Famous also among those who are not from Milan.

Running along a long, narrow street, the Market brings one multiple offers for fashionable clothing: myriads of cute and elegant dresses and suits, but also snazzy bags and accessories. Saturdays there are super crowded, and it’s wise to get there early in the morning.

Hours: Tuesdays and Saturdays, from 7.30 to 14.00 (Saturdays until 18.00).



 # 4. The Market of Used and Rare Books


Held every second Sunday of the month, tables of books line the arcades of Piazza Diaz, adjacent to the city’s cathedral, capped by its famed ‘Madonnina’.

One will come across find out-of-print, hard-to-find, even rare volumes.

From September to June (closed in Summertime), surprises await the book hunter!


# 5. The Fair of Senigallia


Milan’s perennial Flea Market, once located at the old dockyards, now lining the banks of the Ripa di Porta Romana (from via Paoli to the end of via Barsanti). Over 100 stands and stalls laden with novel curiosities, freaky and odd objects, yet not lacking varieties of flowers and fruits. A must-see ongoing event when visiting Milan.

Hours: every Saturday, from 8.00 to 18.00.



 # 6. The Antiques Market


Held along Milan’s boisterously quaint canal zone the last Sunday of every month, right in the heart of a special crystallized and timeworn quarter. You’ll be surrounded by Tiffany lamps, Art Deco objects from the 50’s alongside small pieces of furniture from the late 1700’s.



# 7. The Market of piazza Martini


This homonymous market is collocated between viale Molise and viale Umbria, offering fresh, premium quality fruit and vegetables, is especially known for its price-quality ratios.

Hours: Every Wednesday, from 7.30 to 14.00.



# 8. The Obej Obej Fair


This is Milan’s traditional pre-Christmas Fair, held on the days of the city’s patron saint, Sant’Ambrogio and the Immaculate Conception. It is now held in the surroundings of the XV century Sforzesco Castle, and remains a clamorous, jubilant event. In fact, the name itself is taken from the excited cries of children (How beautiful, how wonderful!) reaching out for gifts brought into the city by a Vatican representative of Pope Pius IV. The upcoming holiday season is in the air, and by being there at the Fair one really understands the spirit of the city of Milan.



# 9. The Farmer’s Fruit and Vegetable Market, The Flower Market


The largest market in all Italy for the quantity of products sold (1,000,000 tons per year); for the range of products available year-round; and for the flow of visitors (10,00 a day). This market represents a unique possibility to find a densely complete array of fruit and vegetables, in itself commercializing 10% of the goods transported throughout all the fruit and vegetable markets in Italy.  

Due to the crises and the Expo Milano 2015, the market has opened up to the private sector with the aim of becoming the primary agricultural hub, serving the entire city. A vast selection of flowers and plants could not be lacking!

Open: Every day from 10.00 to 12.00.



# 10. The Fish Market


It is often said that in Milan one can find the freshest fish of Italy. The greatest variety arrives here daily, making it the largest among all the European markets.

Once located in the historical building of via Sammartino running parallel below the tracks of Milan’s Central Railway Station, it moved in 2000 to via Lombroso, 53.

Hours: Saturdays, from 9.30 to 11.30.



Translated by Vincent Lombardo

Qui l’articolo in Italiano: I 10 migliori Mercati Rionali di Milano: cosa si trova e quando visitarli



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Vincent Lombardo
Italiano nato a New York, è arrivato a Milano con una borsa Fulbright per lavorare nell'uffico regia del Teatro alla Scala. E' rimasto qui, ed i suoi impegni lavorativi erano sempre divisi tra la didattica, l'insegnamento come professore universitario e l'attività professionale nel mondo dello spettacolo e della musica. Drammaturgo, saggista, e regista, svillupa progetti musicologici, scrive libretti e collabora con vari rivisti e siti culturali.